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  •  køb af 1 stk.,159,95  DKK


CD 1
Introduction of Rock and Roll Circus - Mick Jagger
Entrry of the Gladiators - Circus Band
Introduction of Jethro Tull - Mick Jagger
Song for Jeffrey - Jethro Tull
Introduction of the Who - Keith Richards
A Quick One, While He's Away - The Who
Over the Waves - Circus Band
Ain't That a Lot of Love - Taj Mahal
Introduction of Marianne Faithfull - Charlie Watts
Something Better - Marianne Faithfull
Introduction of the Dirty Mac - Mick Jagger and John Lennon
Yer Blues - The Dirty Mac
Whole Lotta Yoko - Yoko Ono & Ivry Gitlis with The Dirty Mac

CD 2
Introduction of the Rolling Stones - John Lennon
Jumpin' Jack Flash - The Rolling Stones
Parachute Woman - The Rolling Stones
No Expectations - The Rolling Stones
You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones
Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones
Salt of the Earth - The Rolling Stones
Checkin' Up On My Baby - Taj Mahal
Leaving Trunk - Taj Mahal
Corinna - Taj Mahal
Revolution (Rehearsal) - The Dirty Mac
Warmup Jam - The Dirty Mac
Yer Blues (Take 2) - The Dirty Mac
Introduction of Julius Katchen - Brian Jones
Ritual Fire Dance (De Falla) - Julius Katchen
Sonata in C Major: 1st Movement (Mozart) - Julius Katchen
Varenr.: 0018771855422