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"He's Here For Us (A Krennic Condition)" 3:20
"A Long Ride Ahead (Jyn and Scare it)" 3:56
"Wobani Imperial Labor Camp (Jyncarcerated)" 0:54
"Trust Goes Both Ways (Going to See Saw)" (includes "The Force Theme" by John Williams) 2:45
"When Has Become Now (That New Death Star Smell)" (includes "Death Star Motif" by John Williams) 1:59
"Jedha Arrival (Jedha Call Saw)" 2:48
"Jedha City Ambush (When Ambush Comes to Shove)" 2:19
"Star-Dust (Erso Facto)" 3:47
"Confrontation on Eadu (Go Do, That Eadu, That You Do, So Well)" (includes "Death Star Motif" by John Williams) 8:05
"Krennic's Aspirations (Have a Choke and Smile)" (includes "Imperial Motif" and "The Imperial March" by John Williams) 4:16
"Rebellions Are Built on Hope (Erso in Vain)" 2:56
"Rogue One (Takes One to Rogue One)" (includes "The Force Theme" by John Williams) 2:04
"Cargo Shuttle SW-0608 (World's Worst Vacation Destination)" 3:59
"Scrambling the Rebel Fleet (Scarif Tactics)" (includes "The Force Theme" and "Star Wars Main Theme" by John Williams) 1:33
"AT-ACT Assault (Bazed and Confused)" (includes "Rebel Fanfare" and "Imperial Walkers" by John Williams) 2:55
"The Master Switch (Switch Hunt)" 4:02
"Your Father Would Be Proud (Transmission Impossible)" 4:51
"Hope (Live and Let Jedi)" (includes "The Imperial March", "Rebel Blockade Runner", and "The Force Theme" by John Williams) 1:37
"Jyn Erso and Hope Suite" 5:51
"The Imperial Suite" 2:29
"Guardians of the Whills Suite" 2:52
Varenr.: 0050087356965