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1. Episode 2
by Michael Giacchino
2. A Tony Perspective
by Michael Giacchino
3, Consider Yourselves Undermined!
by Michael Giacchino
4. A Matter of Perception
by Michael Giacchino
5. Diggin' the New Digs
by Michael Giacchino
6. This Ain't My Super-Suit?
by Michael Giacchino
7. Elastigirl Is Back
by Michael Giacchino
8. Train of Taut
by Michael Giacchino
9. Rocky vs. Jack-Jack
by Michael Giacchino
10. Ambassador Ambush
by Michael Giacchino
11. Hero Worship
by Michael Giacchino
12. Searching for a Screenslaver
by Michael Giacchino
13. Super Legal Again
by Michael Giacchino
14. Renouncing the Renunciation
by Michael Giacchino
15. World's Worst Babysitters
by Michael Giacchino
16. Helen of Ploy
by Michael Giacchino
17. A Dash of Reality
by Michael Giacchino
18. Hydrofoiled Again
by Michael Giacchino
19. Jack Splat
by Michael Giacchino
20. A Bridge Too Parr
by Michael Giacchino
21. Together Forever and Deavor
by Michael Giacchino
22. Elastigirl's Got a Plane to Catch
by Michael Giacchino
23. Looks Like I Picked the Wrong Week to Quit Oxygen
by Michael Giacchino
24. Happily After-Deavor
by Michael Giacchino
25. Out and a Boat
by Michael Giacchino
26. Incredits 2
by Michael Giacchino
27. Here Comes Elastigirl - Elastigirl's Theme
by Michael Giacchino
28. Chill or Be Chilled - Frozone's Theme
by Michael Giacchino
29. Pow! Pow! Pow! - Mr. Incredible's Theme
by Michael Giacchin
30. Devtechno!
by Michael Giacchino
31. Chad Tonight Talk Show Theme
by Michael Giacchino
32. Chad Tonight Newscast Bumper
by Michael Giacchino
33. Here Comes Elastigirl - Elastigirl's Theme (A Cappella)
by DCappella
34. Chill or Be Chilled - Frozone's Theme (A Cappella)
by DCappella
35. Pow! Pow! Pow! - Mr. Incredible's Theme (A Cappella)
by DCappella
36. The Glory Days (A Cappella)
by DCappella
Varenr.: 0050087388959