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Faithfull, Marianne: No Exit (Vinyl)

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  • Lev. normalt indenfor 3-21 hverdage
  •  køb af 1 stk.,199,95  DKK

In recognition of her 50th anniversary as a singer, songwriter and recording artist, Marianne releases a special treat for her fans: a 'best of' collection of live performances recorded all over Europe on her last tour called 'No Exit'.

“I spent most of my life on the road. This last tour has been exceptional, full of emotions, joy and thrill. Surrounded by the band whom I recorded my previous album with, ‘No Exit’ is the faithful reflection of months spent together on stage. I hope you will have as much pleasure hearing it as we had pleasure performing it.” Marianne


Falling Back
The Price Of Love
Love, More or Less
As Tears Go By
Mother Wolf
Sister Morphine
Late Victorian Holocaust
Sparrows Will Sing
The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
Varenr.: 4029759115199